GCSE English

Poor, pore and pour


Poor is an adjective, normally meaning that the person described has little money. It can also mean not very good.
"This is a poor effort, David!"

A pore, on the other hand, is a tiny opening, normally on skin. It's pores that give you acne! It can also be used as a verb, meaning you're studying something closely.
"Guy pored over his spots to see if any needed squeezing."

Finally, pour means to make flow, normally a liquid.
"Please would you pour the milk?" asked Marge.

Don't forget that the hands and feet of animals are often called paws!

Advice and advise
Affect and effect
Bought and brought
Complement and compliment
Discreet and discrete
Hear and here
Its and it's
Lead and led
Less and fewer
Licence and license
Loose and lose
  Plane and plain
Poor, pore and pour
Practice and practise
Principal and principle
Sort and sought
Stationary and stationery - new!
There, their and they're
Threw, through and thorough
To and too
Warn and Worn
Whose and who's
Your and you're

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