Voltage & Current Graphs Summary

GCSE Physics

Plotting graphs of current (I) against voltage (V) shows how a component behaves.

GCSE Physics

For resistance wire (at constant temperature) the resistance is constant, so the graph is a straight line through (0,0):

full current-voltage graph for a wire at constant temperature showing direct proportionality

GCSE Physics

For filament lamps, the temperature increases dramatically with increasing current, so the resistance changes and the graph is a curve:

full current-voltage graph for a filament lamp

GCSE Physics

For diodes, they only allow current to flow one way through them, so have a zero region for this reverse voltage.

full current-voltage graph for a diode

Diodes also have a strange flat region before they "switch on" allowing current to flow.

GCSE Physics

Current Electricity | Resistance & Resistors | Ohm's Law

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