GCSE French

Speaking: Your Parents

Here is a basic set of possible questions and answers about your parents. See if you can answer the questions correctly, then check out our suggested responses.

1. Comment s'appellent tes parents?
What are your parents called?


Ma mère s'appelle...
My mother is called...

Mon père s'appelle...
My father is called...

2. Que font tes parents dans la vie?
What do your parents do?


Ma mère est...
My mum is a...

Ma mère travaille comme...
My mum works as a...

Mes parents ne travaillent pas.
My parents don't work.

Mon père est...
My dad is a...

Mon père travaille comme...
My dad works as a...

Mon père est au chomage.
My mum is unemployed.

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Your Siblings | Family Life
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